Carbon Fiber Testing - EddyCus® CF rob and OEM Kit for Integration

Automated Testing Solutions

  • 3D analysis
  • Without contact
  • At high local resolution

Carbon Fiber Testing

The EddyCus® CF rob or a robot in combination with the OEM Integration Kit and the EddyEVA analysing software is able to analyse 3D shaped parts with the sensor mounted on the robot and to scan the line-by-line and post-analyse with evaluation software.


  • Actual automotive carbon fiber parts
  • Partial aircraft structures
  • Draped preforms

Software & Handling

More sophisticated and automated interpretation of your eddy current data necessary? EddyEVA is design to assist evaluating captured 2D and 3D scan data. Saving, loading and applying assessment recipes to one scan to many more supports the fast and advanced analysis of eddy current data.
  • Apply the same evaluation recipes to a series of measurements (similar products)
  • Marking of gaps (gap algorithm) based on thresholds
  • Create reports (template given)
  • Automated separation into smaller regions of interest for individual analysis
  • Results can conclude to change measurement recipe

Testing Devices

Rob + OEM Kit + EddyEVA

This turn-key solution can used by part manufacturers, supplier of preforms or preforming equipment and also universities to check the preforming quality like fiber orientation and gaps or stack sequence and lay-up-errors. Display the inner fiber structure is possible as well as doing a line by line scan of shaped preforms.

The system consists of the robot and suitable path planning software, an eddy current sensor with related measurement electronics and the evaluation software.


Download data sheet PDF 1.5 MB

OEM Kit for Integration

The OEM kit for integration can used by part manufacturers, supplier of preforms or preforming equipment and also universities to check the preforming quality like fiber orientation and gaps or stack sequence and lay-up-errors. Display the inner fiber structure is possible as well as doing a line by line scan of shaped preforms.

The OEM Kit consists of eddy current sensors with related measurement electronics and optional an evaluation software. An integrator company with robot competence is required for the integration.


Performance & Setup

  OEM kit for intgration EddyCus® CF rob
Ingredients Sensor, measurement electronics, analysis software (optional) Robot, sensor, measurement electronics, analysis software (optional)
Parts geometries Flat, slightly curved or shaped Flat, slightly curved or shaped
Scan area - Arm length 1.7 m
Accuracy robot - 0.1 mm goal point difference
Speed 500 mm/sec at 0.25 mm resolution 500 mm/sec at 0.25 mm resolution
Mode Contact and non-contact Contact and non-contact
Feature Capturing contour, distance sensor Capturing contour, distance sensor
Carbon fiber materials CF fabrics, textile, stack, pregpreg, preform, composite CF fabrics, textile, stack, pregpreg, preform, composite
Device dimensions (w/d/h) in mm, weight - 4,000 / 3,000 / 2,500, 2,000 kg